“Louder Than Words”

Absorbing God’s Word

“The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live.” Proverbs 15:27

Applying God’s Word

Last year I wrote a Challenge warning folks of impending price increases. I suggested that we all stock up on household items while they were at lower prices and to reduce personal debt. It’s pretty hard to reduce personal debt when there’s a continued cost increase for food, gas, goods, and services. We know family and friends who are living paycheck to paycheck and using credit more than ever.

Folks on fixed incomes are having to dip into their savings accounts and that’s if they have a savings accounts. The question is, “Why?” One answer is that we have entrusted our hard earned money to politicians and leaders who are “Greedy”. The uncontrolled senseless spending is bringing ruin to many here in America.

I am a registered to vote as a Non-Party Affiliated. That allows me to take a good look at the politics and policies of the past, present and future administrations and vote accordingly. Their actions speak louder than words.  

Accounting of God’s Word

How would God vote? How will I vote?

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“A House Divided”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” Matthew 12:25

Applying God’s Word

Jesus uses the word “EVERY” two times in the scripture above. When I read this verse, I think of this divided world, our divided country, our divided states, our divided cities, our divided neighborhoods and our divided families.

I get a kick out of folks who ask, “Where’s God and how come He’s not doing something about all this?” God hasn’t left the scene. He gave each of us free will and the empowerment of His Holy Spirit to be governed by His truth . That’s the beauty of God, huh? He gives us guidelines to live by and yet all too often we close a blind eye to them. To govern ourselves takes work but unfortunately we are a lazy people. We would much rather be governed by other worldly gods or by the people who worship those gods.

In order to govern myself, I stay in God’s word and absorb as much of His truth as I can possibly process. The first thing I do when dealing with division in my own life is I look in a mirror. That’s where it all starts. When I’m separated from God the hope for unity is lost.

Accounting of God’s Word

What am I doing to eliminate division in my own life?

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“Be Like A Child”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 18:4

Applying God’s Word

Louise and I witnessed something special the other night. We were at a restaurant that had live music. As most of you know, Louise and I love to dance and are always encouraging other couples to join us on the dance floor. The woman usually says, she wished her husband danced or the husband says he doesn’t dance.

On this particular night it was children, ages 4 to 10 who were dragging their moms and dads out on the dance floor. Parents were on the dance floor with 1, 2 or even 3 children. How the parents looked and danced didn’t seem to matter. All their inhibitions were erased as they proceeded to dance like little children.

God is asking us to leave our PRIDE behind in order to be like a child.

Accounting of God’s Word

What stops me from being like a child? Is my image more important than the image of God?

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“Lasting Happiness”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” 1 Corinthians 9:25

Applying God’s Word

Even after the 2024 Olympics, Michael Phelps remains the most medaled Olympian in history with a record 28 medals. He definitely knows what it’s like to be crowned and yet it didn’t bring him lasting happiness. That occurred after reading “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren and Phelp’s own realization that true happiness comes from knowing God. 

My lasting happiness comes from knowing God and introducing His way of life to others.

Accounting of God’s Word

“Challenge” What makes me happy? Have I experienced the lasting happiness that comes from knowing God?

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“Let’s Get Serious”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!.” Exodus 14:12

Applying God’s Word

The Israelites are telling Moses that even though they were slaves in Egypt they felt secure. Their life with God in the desert meant giving up that security and placing their trust in Him.  

I liked my life before following Jesus. I remember the day He said, “Come Follow Me.” At the time, I was a slave to the world but like the Israelites I felt very secure. Following Jesus meant placing my trust in Him for everything. I didn’t say yes right away, but I decided that a little effort on my part might be enough to satisfy Him.

Once I became serious about daily prayer and reading scripture I began to reflect on how His words applied to all the areas of my life. It was a powerful awakening for me. A year after His original call to follow Him, I said yes. I can’t imagine what my life would look like had I not chosen to follow Him into the desert.

Accounting of God’s Word

Am I too secure with my life to follow God into the desert? Have I become serious about daily prayer and scripture yet?

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“God Danced”

Absorbing God’s Word

“In his love God will no longer rebuke you, but will “REJOICE” over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17  

Applying God’s Word

In the above scripture, the Hebrew word “Rejoice” is more accurately translated as “Dance”, ie, God will dance over you with singing. It reminded me of a song our church sings once a month to celebrate birthdays. It’s called “God Danced”.

While having new copies of the song printed, I had a conversation with a woman in line. As I was leaving I gave her a copy of the song and explained what it was. It dawned on me that she wouldn’t know how the song went, so as she was getting into her car Louise and I rolled down our window and sang it to her. Smiling ear to ear, she said, “Bless you both.”

Just picture God singing this song and dancing around you on the day you were born.

God danced. He danced. God danced the day you were born.  He kicked his shoes aside, formed a line, paraded around with a horn. God danced. He danced. God danced the day you were born.

Accounting of God’s Word

Do I know how much God really loves and appreciates me?

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“Reach Out Reach”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” John 13-14

Applying God’s Word

God has blessed me with incredible friends. These friendships are rich and long lasting. God put it on my heart that I haven’t been doing a very good job of “Reaching Out” to them. It’s not easy to call someone you haven’t talked to in a while, but when you do it’s almost like washing their feet.

This week, I grabbed my phone and starting calling folks. I hadn’t talked to some in months and others in years. It was so amazing and anointed. I’m not sure who was blessed more, them or me. Both! A few I talked to were doing well while others were struggling. We laughed, cried and of course we prayed together.

God reminded me that when I “REACH OUT to another person I fulfill God’s greatest “OUT REACH” of all.

Accounting of God’s Word

Who haven’t I talked to lately? Who is God asking me to call?

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“Something Borrowed”

Absorbing God’s Word

“If anyone borrows an animal from their neighbor and it is injured or dies while the owner is not present, they must make restitution.” Exodus 22:14

Applying God’s Word

I’ve never borrowed an animal from a neighbor, but I’ve borrowed plenty
of other things.

Our family lived in a neighborhood where borrowing was pretty much
expected and accepted. We didn’t lock the doors to our house. Neighbors would
come in, take a cup of sugar or some eggs and leave a note. We had access to
their homes as well. My dad used to say, “If you borrow a tool or anything else
make sure you return it in better condition than when you borrowed it.” I’ve
made that a practice all of my life.

How about the things on loan to me from the Lord? I’m talking about my
time, money, talents and possessions. At some point He expects me to return
them in better condition than when He loaned them to me. It’s been the most
challenging part of my life.

Accounting of God’s Word

Is my life my own or is it on loan from God?

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“Oh Danny Boy”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.” Lamentations 3:32

Applying God’s Word

My cousin Danny passed away two months ago. He and I were childhood playmates. Our families got together for the holidays, special events and we even spent summer vacations together. Although we are grieving Dan’s death, God has manifested Himself through great compassion and unfailing love.

A week before Dan died we had the opportunity to laugh and reminisce about old times. In the 1950’s when we were quite young we pretty much had the run of San Francisco. We’d buy a fifty cent bus pass that allowed us to ride every bus and Trolly car all day long. What a blast. The only instruction from our parents was to be home for dinner.

Those were the days when our imaginations kept us entertained. We pretended our neighborhoods were old western towns and open prairies. Our heroes were Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger and Hopalong Cassidy. We were the “good guys”.

Thank you, Dan,  for your love and friendship and for making my childhood fun and exciting.  I love you. This song’s for you.

Accounting of God’s Word

When I grieve the loss of a loved one, do I experience God’s compassion and love?

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“Luck Of The Draw”?

Absorbing God’s Word

“Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.” Acts 1:26

Applying God’s Word

Is Acts 1:26 saying that things come about by the luck of the draw. No. God doesn’t have to count on luck. He chose Matthias to be one of the 12…Twelve. 

Last Sunday’s scripture, Mark 5:21-43, was about Jesus healing a woman who was sick for 12 years. In the same day He raised a 12 year old girl from the dead. I had never put the two 12”s together before. Was it a coincidence?

It’s said that the number 12 symbolizes faith, the church and divine rule. It appears 187 times in the Bible. There’s the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 minor prophets, 12 sons of Jacob, 12 stones of Gilgal, 12 apostles and the 12 baskets of leftovers from feeding the 5,000, just to mention a few.

Nothing in scripture is about coincidence or luck of the draw. It is about faith and trust in God.

Accounting of God’s Word

Do I believe the scriptures to be absolute truth? How strong is my faith?

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