Absorbing God’s Word
“The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live.” Proverbs 15:27
Applying God’s Word
Last year I wrote a Challenge warning folks of impending price increases. I suggested that we all stock up on household items while they were at lower prices and to reduce personal debt. It’s pretty hard to reduce personal debt when there’s a continued cost increase for food, gas, goods, and services. We know family and friends who are living paycheck to paycheck and using credit more than ever.
Folks on fixed incomes are having to dip into their savings accounts and that’s if they have a savings accounts. The question is, “Why?” One answer is that we have entrusted our hard earned money to politicians and leaders who are “Greedy”. The uncontrolled senseless spending is bringing ruin to many here in America.
I am a registered to vote as a Non-Party Affiliated. That allows me to take a good look at the politics and policies of the past, present and future administrations and vote accordingly. Their actions speak louder than words.
Accounting of God’s Word
How would God vote? How will I vote?