“Passing Through”

Absorbing God’s Word

“He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.” Luke 9:3

Applying God’s Word

What’s Jesus saying to His disciples and to each of us in Luke 9:3? What He’s telling me is that I am only passing through this life and that the only thing I really need on my journey is Him. This is not my home. Home is where I end up after this life. 

For years, I worked hard to acquire material things and even harder to protect them. I wanted to make my mark and be remembered. Sadly, how I served God wasn’t even a consideration. Thankfully, my outlook on life and my purpose has changed.

Sometimes, I hear eulogies that boast about a person’s lifelong accomplishments. What a eulogy should boast about is how a person lived their life for Jesus.

Accounting of God’s Word

How would God write my eulogy, if I died today?

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