
Absorbing God’s Word

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Applying God’s Word

Up until a couple years ago, I knew nothing about Soroptimist America. It’s an organization that offers career support for young girls in secondary school. Soroptimist provides girls with access to professional role models, career education and the resources to live their dreams.

Last week, Louise and I attended their annual fund-raiser dinner. The event was hosted by women in different occupations along with a large group of enthusiastic young ladies. Louise and I were touch to say the least.

One of the ways they raise money at this dinner is the sale of tickets for “Bingo” and I won a game worth $200. When the prize money was handed to me I whispered to the presenter that I wanted to donate it back to Soroptimist. A minute later, the game caller asked the winner of the last game to please stand up (me). As I stood up she announced, “This gentleman donated his winnings back to the girls.” It was a humbling but joy-filled moment

Accounting of God’s Word

Do I follow my heart when it comes to giving? Am I a joyful giver?

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