“178 Chattanooga Street”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?” Proverbs 20:11

Applying God’s Word

I was four when we moved into the top apartment at 178 Chattanooga Street in San Francisco. The building and it’s 43 stairs to our flat is still standing. I know because I went back for a look a couple years ago.

Back then, my older brother and I roamed the streets all day with instructions to be home for dinner or else. That gave us plenty of time to get in trouble. I remember scrounging around the streets for cigarette butts, loose change and any leftover beer that someone didn’t finish.  

Looking back, I realize that our neighbors saw us as a couple of hooligans. We were anything but pure and upright. Our dad’s decision to move us out of the city more than likely saved our lives and our souls. :>)

Accounting of God’s Word

Was I pure and upright growing up? Am I pure and upright today?

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