“Two Are Better”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Absorbing God’s Word

Louise and I love this scripture. We also love the fact that we’ve been married nine (9) years as of 10/3/24. We’ve definitely had a good return for our labor. When younger folks ask us what the secret to a great marriage is, we tell them it’s a four letter word and it’s not the word “LOVE”. It’s the word “WORK”.

We put a lot of work into our relationship. We also start each day together in prayer. Even if one of us is traveling, we arrange to have our morning prayer-time together via phone or FaceTime.

It’s easy to get busy or lazy about showing up for prayer, but that’s where the “Two are Better Than One” comes in. We have three sources of accountability, each other, our prayer journals and of course Jesus. We know that He always joins us for prayer and He’s never late.

Accounting of God’s Word

Who’s holding me accountable to my daily appointment with God? Am I keeping Jesus waiting?

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