Absorbing God’s Word
“When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” 1 John 35-42
Applying God’s Word
John the Baptist pointed out Jesus to two of his own disciples and they immediately left John to follow Jesus. Jesus notices that they are following him and asks, “What do you want?” Isn’t that the question Jesus asks each of us?
The day I decided to follow Jesus was frightening. Like the two disciples, I wanted to follow Jesus but from a distance. I was afraid of what He may want from me. Come to find out He wanted the same thing from me that I wanted from Him; a close intimate relationship. It wasn’t long before His unconditional mercy, truth, kindness, wisdom, compassion, joy and love impacted all the areas of my life.
Accounting of God’s Word
Is the thing Jesus most wants from me the same thing I most want from Him? Am I following Jesus from a distance?