“Sins Of Omission”

Absorbing God Word

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13 & 16

Applying God’s Word

A couple of weeks ago I sent out a “Challenge” titled “Walk The Walk”.

A friend and someone I respect dearly wrote back saying, “I don’t agree that promises made and kept are the sole way by which one can and must judge the character of a candidate. Fidelity to the constitution, fidelity to vows, fidelity to scripture, fidelity to national traditions, truth telling, honesty, consistency and many other criteria are in play.” I loved his words of wisdom and wanted to pass it along to you.

There are so many things that we need to consider as we weigh issues, we truly value. I value new life. Early on, I didn’t think much about childbirth. Then our daughter was born with a heart defect and our first grandson died full term. Every baby I’ve seen and/or held since then has been a miracle of God. Therefore, I can’t remain silent about the issue of abortion.

Although the abortion rate is decreasing in the United States, we are still allowing over 600,000 abortions each year. For me to remain quite about this issue, is a sin of omission.

Accounting of God’s Word

Does God want me to remain silent or stand up for His truth?

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