“The Labyrinth”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119: 105

Applying God’s Word

The labyrinth goes back to 324 AD. In Christianity, its symbolic meaning is that life’s journey is filled with many twists and turns, but by staying on the right path we will eventually come face to face with Jesus.

Last week, Louise and I went away on a silent retreat, no electronics. We spent a considerable amount of time in prayer, meditation, reading scripture, taking walks alone and together. We both experienced the powerful presence of God at different times throughout our retreat.

We each had an opportunity to walk a beautiful labyrinth. As I stepped into the labyrinth, I really felt drawn to its center, but a painful burning sensation occurred in both of my hips. Obstacles, I thought. It reminded me of the hundreds of distractions in my life that keep me from being with Jesus. I walked on and at the center of the labyrinth the pain in my hips disappeared.

The Advent season calls each of us to slow down, repent, avoid things that separate us from Jesus and to stay in God’s word. His word is the lamp to our feet and a light to our path. 

Accounting of God’s Word

What path am I on this Advent? 

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