Proverbs 16:28 – “Keeping Secrets”

Absorbing God’s Word

“A perverse person stirs up conflict and a gossip separates close friends.” Proverbs 16:28

 Applying God’s Word

Secrets? I have loads of them; some I will take to the grave. Nothing about my life is a secret, though.

Over the last 30-35 years many folks have taken me into their confidence. Some things that have been shared with me haven’t been shared with anyone. Much of those intimacies have been sent to me through e-mail; hundreds.

If you have shared something private with me in writing, I understand the importance of keeping it private. I usually read an e-mail and respond. Then, I delete all private/personal communications. If someone were to look in my computer for secrets, they are very unlikely to find any.

Accounting of God’s Word

What do I do with another person’s private information? Do I destroy it or hold on to it?

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