“Opportunities Galore” ?

Absorbing God’s Word

“A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” Galatians 5:9

Applying God’s Word

It only takes a little bit of yeast to make a loaf of bread, huh? It only takes a little bit of God’s love to impact the life of one other person.

In the beginning, this “Shelter in Place” order gave me reason to be a bit selfish. There was little or no interaction with others. So, I decided to use my time for home projects that had been pushed aside.

The Lord had something else in mind. He woke me up one night with a list of more important things to do like: praying and reading the scriptures more, calling all of my customers to see if they and their families are okay, using Zoom and FaceTime meetings to connect with people who are all alone or isolated and continue paying for things like housekeeping, so our different provider’s incomes will not be interrupted.

Incredible! This is a time filled with opportunities galore for spreading God’s love.

Accounting of God’s Word

How is God asking me to use my time while sheltered in place?

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