“In The End”

Absorbing God’s Word

“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong; that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”  Romans 1:11-12

Applying God’s Word

It was my birthday this week and I received three incredible notes from my granddaughters. The first said, “Grandpa, thank you for always being such a positive role model. Your faith inspires me to find God in each day.” The second said, “Grandpa, you always influence me to be a better version of myself, which also helps me be nearer to God.” The third said, “Grandpa, you have done so much for me and have brought me closer to God.”

Talk about imparting some spiritual gifts to make me strong. Talk about being encouraged by a younger generation’s faith. I was touched, to say the least. I was left without words, which is very rare. Then my oldest granddaughter said, “Grandpa, I’d like to write and edit all your “Challenges” for publication.” That has been suggested by others, but I’ve never acted on it. 

Some think that faith and belief in God is slowly slipping away. Historically, people of faith have always been under attack and/or persecution. Many have died to keep the name of Jesus alive and to impart spiritual gifts that will strengthen the faith of future generations. Be encouraged! In the end, Jesus wins!

Accounting of God’s Word

Am I doing all I can do to encourage and strengthen other Christians?

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