Isaiah 7:11 – “Looking For Signs”?

Absorbing God’s Word

“Ask for a confirming sign from the Lord your God. You can even ask for something miraculous.” Isaiah 7:11

Applying God’s Word

Four years ago, my late wife Joanne passed into the arms of God, on this date.

I remember asking God for miraculous signs; something that would confirm that Joanne was with Him and that we would see one another again.

I’ve use a daily commentary book called the Word Among us for thirty years. When I received my August 2014 issue, one of the pages fell out and I stuck it in the back of the book.

The day Joanne died, I didn’t get a chance to read the commentary for August 5th. A Few days later, I decided to go back and read it. That particular page was missing. It was the page that had fallen out, a few weeks earlier.

That was just one of the signs I received.

Accounting of God’s Word

Have I asked God for signs? Do I trust and believe that God will send me them?

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